We are a leadership development organization with one goal - to help you & your team reach new levels of success.
Our experienced coaches understand the challenges that many teams face and our services are tailored to overcome those obstacles.
Take your team to the NEXT DEGREE with interactive team programs, speaking engagements, and one-on-one coaching. Develop leadership skills and improve communication to bridge the gap between where you are & where you want to be.

Grow Your Business From Within

70% of employees feel their team is dysfunctional.
A team that isn’t working together, isn’t working effectively. Through seminars, interactive exercises, and effective coaching programs, NEXT DEGREE LEADER will accelerate your team.

  • Optimize Team Performance
  • Gain a Fresh Perspective
  • Identify Blind Spots
  • Improve Communication
  • Identify Individual Motivational Needs
  • Discover Strengths & Potential Limitations


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Sed ac ante id dolor lobortis tincidunt. Phasellus sit amet iaculis leo. Morbi quis turpis vitae nisl convallis placerat nec at urna. Praesent eget dolor non metus porttitor venenatis. Sed hendrerit arcu sed sem porta efficitur. Integer eget metus leo. Etiam scelerisque tellus vel nisl eleifend, non malesuada libero hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In vel finibus ante. Vestibulum mollis ac enim sed fermentum. Nam mauris mi, tincidunt nec risus sed, tincidunt fringilla nulla. Proin vel consectetur dui. Donec euismod leo non ante scelerisque, id pellentesque lorem euismod. Phasellus cursus felis magna, a tincidunt tellus vulputate a. Integer risus diam, mattis id blandit vel, congue eget elit. Curabitur vel ipsum sit amet mi condimentum auctor efficitur eu leo.

Sed ac ante id dolor lobortis tincidunt. Phasellus sit amet iaculis leo. Morbi quis turpis vitae nisl convallis placerat nec at urna. Praesent eget dolor non metus porttitor venenatis. Sed hendrerit arcu sed sem porta efficitur. Integer eget metus leo. Etiam scelerisque tellus vel nisl eleifend, non malesuada libero hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In vel finibus ante. Vestibulum mollis ac enim sed fermentum. Nam mauris mi, tincidunt nec risus sed, tincidunt fringilla nulla. Proin vel consectetur dui. Donec euismod leo non ante scelerisque, id pellentesque lorem euismod. Phasellus cursus felis magna, a tincidunt tellus vulputate a. Integer risus diam, mattis id blandit vel, congue eget elit. Curabitur vel ipsum sit amet mi condimentum auctor efficitur eu leo.

"Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar."

-Orrin Woodward


Only 30% of small businesses survive beyond the 10 year mark. We all aspire to not only survive, but thrive. However, a goal without a plan is merely a wish. NEXT DEGREE LEADER will help you assess your "now" and provide the necessary tools for a successful future.

Are You Ready To Take Your Business To The Next Degree?

Meet Our Advisors

Matt Thompson

Mike White

Manning Kolb

Nex Degree Leader

Through a SWOT Analysis with Next Degree Leader, I was able to better identify the weaknesses in my business.
Mike G.

Next Degree Leader programs helped my entire office communicate better and work more efficiently.
Will H.

After receiving coaching from Next Degree Leader, I was able to lead my team more effectively and increase profits.
Amy L.

Nex Degree Leader

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